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Some of our art-wear and art prints are produced in limited numbers, or runs. Each limited-edition piece will have its own unique identification code, and will never be printed to the same specification again beyond the number stated in the edition or run.

Limited editions will be clearly marked, and the number in the limited run will be clearly displayed. The Identifier and unique code is printed onto the piece and cannot be removed. The purchaser will receive a code, and can request it again, if needed, by signing into their online account.

The code is made of several identifying factors, and matches several other pieces of information that will be used to identify the item, at any time in the future.

Unique Identification

All Zoë Camper limited edition products have an identifiable code embedded into them. The code on its own isn’t very useful, but when combined with purchasing information and the item ID information generated at the point of purchase by the current or previous owners, can prove, without question, that an item is genuine. The code may look like a device to track the item but that is not possible without the owner’s consent, as in itself, the code is not guaranteed to be unique. The code helps to unlock securely held information about the item, and requires owner consent.

The code is a series on symbols printed into the fabric of the garment and, in some cases on an embroidered label.

On top of the ownership identification code there are a number of physical identifying elements, just as an expert can determine if an item has been faked just by looking it over, there are unique features hidden in each item. 

Garments can be verified to see if they are genuine by using the Garment verification service via your account. You upload a picture of the item, supply the owner’s name, and the code generated at the point of purchase. We do the rest, and provide confirmation within 24 hours.

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